Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Haven't updated my blog in forever! Never have time anymore since I have class Mondays-Wednesdays then usually leave Wed night to travel then get back Sunday night. So it's all just way too tiring! But I will update..someday!

Meanwhile, here's a list of the places I've gone to since the last time I blogged! :)

Brussels, Belgium
Brugge, Belgium
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Saint Malo, France
Paris, France
Berlin, Germany
Verona, Italy
Venice, Italy
Milan, Italy
London, United Kingdom

That's 6 countries!!! This week, I'm off to Berne and Lucerne with Panj, Butch, Anna, and JTA Dijon people (Twins, etc.)! Can't wait!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

No time to blog again!

Just got back Monday night. It's Wednesday now and I'm off to Paris tonight, all by myself! Then Rennes for the day where I'll meet Anna, Kim, and Razelle. Back to Paris then Berlin the next night! Be back on Sunday!